The Rage
The Rage
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Release Date: 8/15/1997
Lorenzo LamasKristen ClokeGary BuseyRoy ScheiderJenny McShaneBrandon SmithDell YountDavid CarradineDavid JensenJeff Doucette
Directed By
Darrin PrescottGilbert B. CombsKeith CampbellHenry KingiChris DurandDonna KeeganKathy JarvisAndy GillSpiro RazatosAnita HartDenney PierceSidney J. Furie
Directed By
Sidney J. Furie, Sidney J. Furie
Produced By
Daniel Grodnik, Libby Goldstein, Robert Snukal, Peter R. Simpson
Tom Morga, Mitchell Dean, Renie Razatos, Brad Jessey, Nick Rotundo, Daniel Grodnik, Mike Ryan, Richard Epper, Paul Zaza, Libby Goldstein, Daniel A. Lomino, Glenn Ralston, Monty L. Simons, Darrin Prescott, Gilbert B. Combs, Robert Snukal, Seven L. Nielsen, Chris Howell, Keith Campbell, T.K. Kirkpatrick, Henry Kingi, Doc D. Charbonneau, Peter R. Simpson, Chris Durand, Donna Keegan, Richard E. Butler, Greg Millea, Kathy Jarvis, Andy Gill, Spiro Razatos, Bill McIntosh, Anita Hart, Mike Cameron, Denney Pierce, Greg Mellott, Donald M. Morgan