The Legend of Lylah Clare
The Legend of Lylah Clare
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Kim NovakPeter FinchErnest BorgnineMilton SelzerRossella FalkGabriele TintiValentina CorteseMichael MurphyCoral BrowneLee MeriwetherRobert EllensteinEllen CorbyGeorge KennedyDick MillerAl BainTom PalmerWilliam BeckleyQueenie SmithJohn AlvinErnest AndersonNoble 'Kid' ChissellRobert CornthwaiteBilly CurtisRex HolmanKenner G. KempJames McEachinHans MoebusMonty O'GradyCosmo SardoVictoria Zinny
Directed By
Robert AldrichMichael LucianoJean RouverolWilliam TuttleSydney GuilaroffRenié
Directed By
Robert Aldrich, Charles C. Coleman
Produced By
Robert Aldrich
Michael Luciano, Jean Rouverol, Edward DeBlasio, Joseph F. Biroc, F. Keogh Gleason, Robert Thom, William Tuttle, William Glasgow, Sydney Guilaroff, Frank De Vol, George W. Davis, Renié, Henry Grace, Robert J. Schiffer, Hugo Butler, Kenny Bell, Arthur Gerstle