The Lamp Still Burns
The Lamp Still Burns
Play Now
Stewart GrangerRosamund JohnGodfrey TearleSophie StewartCathleen NesbittMargaret VynerJohn LaurieJoan MaudeMignon O'DohertyLeslie DwyerWylie WatsonEric MicklewoodJoyce GrenfellErnest ThesigerBrefni O'RorkePatric CurwenJenny LairdGrace ArnoldMegs JenkinsAubrey MallalieuJanette ScottJoan Young
Directed By
Maurice ElveyRobert KraskerLeslie HowardJack Hildyard
Directed By
Maurice Elvey, William N. Boyle
Produced By
Leslie Howard, Phil C. Samuel, Vincent Permane
Robert Krasker, Elizabeth Baron, Frederick Wilson, Monica Dickens, John Greenwood, Leslie Howard, Phil C. Samuel, Alex Vetchinsky, Muir Mathieson, Jack Hildyard