The Howling
The Howling
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Release Date: 1/21/1981
Dee WallacePatrick MacneeDennis DuganChristopher StoneBelinda BalaskiKevin McCarthyJohn CarradineSlim PickensElisabeth BrooksRobert PicardoMargie ImpertNoble WillinghamJames MurtaughJim McKrellMeshach TaylorRobert A. BurnsKenneth TobeyDick MillerBill SorrellsSarina C. GrantWendell WrightRoger CormanJohn SaylesJonathan KaplanForrest J. AckermanMichael ChapmanMick Garris
Directed By
Gary BrandnerTerence H. WinklessMichael FinnellPino DonaggioJohn HoraMark GoldblattJohn SaylesJoe DanteRick BakerDavid AllenPeter KuranConrad E. PalmisanoRobert A. Burns
Directed By
Terence H. Winkless, John Sayles, Joe Dante, Joe Dante
Produced By
Daniel H. Blatt, Jack Conrad, Michael Finnell, Steven A. Lane, Rob Bottin, Susan Arnold, Judith Weiner, David C. Thomas
Gary Brandner, Daniel H. Blatt, Jack Conrad, Michael Finnell, Steven A. Lane, Pino Donaggio, John Hora, Mark Goldblatt, Rob Bottin, Bill Davis, Gigi Williams, Rick Baker, Greg Cannom, Joe Beserra, Margaret Prentice, David Allen, Peter Kuran, Conrad E. Palmisano, Rob Bottin, Susan Arnold, Judith Weiner, Robert A. Burns, Jack Buehler, Josephine Turner, David C. Thomas, Jack Cummins, Ivo Cristante, Steven Legler, Douglas Vaughan, Roger Creed, Norman Cattell, Laurel Moore, John Murray, Roger Sassen, Kurt Young, Nancy G. Fox, Natale Massara, Jeanne Rosenberg, Roger George