The Happy Ending
The Happy Ending
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Release Date: 12/21/1969
Jean SimmonsJohn ForsytheShirley JonesLloyd BridgesTeresa WrightDick ShawnNanette FabrayBobby DarinTina LouiseKaren SteeleEve BrentWilliam O'ConnellErin Moran
Directed By
Michel LegrandRichard BrooksSydney GuilaroffHarry WarrenConrad L. Hall
Directed By
Marshall Schlom
Produced By
Richard Brooks, Gene Levy
Rita Riggs, Michel Legrand, Chuck Gaspar, Clem Portman, Richard Brooks, Tom Shaw, Arthur Brooker, Thomas Del Ruth, Murray Jordan, Jan Van Uchelen, Fred C. Blau Jr., Sydney Guilaroff, George Grenville, Joe LaBella, Jerry Whittington, Ronald Vidor, Gene Levy, Harry Sundby, Harry Warren, William Randall Jr., Kay Rose, Richard Brooks, Richard Brooks, Conrad L. Hall