The Gentle Sex
The Gentle Sex
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Jean GillieJoan GreenwoodJoyce HowardRosamund JohnLilli PalmerJohn JustinElliott MasonFrederick LeisterEverley GreggJohn LaurieMary JerroldMiles MallesonJimmy HanleyRonald ShinerHarry WelchmanLeslie HowardGrace ArnoldFrank AtkinsonJack MayRoland PertweeJohnnie Schofield
Directed By
Leslie HowardIrene HowardDerrick De MarneyCarmen DillonRobert KraskerMaurice Elvey
Directed By
Cecil Gurney, Maurice Elvey
Produced By
Irene Howard, Vincent Permane, Herbert Smith, Derrick De Marney, Leslie Howard
Leslie Howard, John Greenwood, Irene Howard, Marjorie Whittle, Herbert Smith, Charles Tasto, A.W. Watkins, Derick Williams, Moie Charles, Derrick De Marney, Leslie Howard, Charles Saunders, Paul Sheriff, Carmen Dillon, C.P. Norman, Robert Krasker, Cyril J. Knowles, Ray Sturgess