The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
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Release Date: 2/7/1962
Glenn FordIngrid ThulinCharles BoyerLee J. CobbPaul LukasYvette MimieuxKarlheinz BöhmPaul HenreidMarcel HillaireKathryn GivneyGeorge DolenzStephen BekassyNestor PaivaAlbert RémyBrian AveryMargarita CordovaGeorge BlagoiElizabeth HarrowerLomax Study
Directed By
Vincente MinnelliJohn GayMilton KrasnerAndré PrevinA. Arnold GillespieWalter PlunkettWilliam TuttleSydney GuilaroffOrry-Kelly
Directed By
Vincente Minnelli
Produced By
Julian Blaustein, Olallo Rubio Gandara
Robert Ardrey, John Gay, Julian Blaustein, Milton Krasner, Adrienne Fazan, Ben Lewis, André Previn, Olallo Rubio Gandara, George W. Davis, Urie McCleary, Henry Grace, F. Keogh Gleason, Erich von Stroheim Jr., Alex Romero, A. Arnold Gillespie, Lee LeBlanc, Robert R. Hoag, René Hubert, Walter Plunkett, Charles E. Parker, William Tuttle, Sydney Guilaroff, Orry-Kelly, Franklin Milton, Elliot Scott, Vicente Blasco Ibáñez