The Fog of War
The Fog of War
Play Now
Robert McNamaraErrol MorrisFidel CastroBarry GoldwaterJohn F. KennedyНикита ХрущёвRichard NixonHarry ReasonerFranklin D. RooseveltWoodrow Wilson
Directed By
Errol MorrisJon KamenJohn SlossMichael WilliamsPhilip GlassDoug Abel
Directed By
Errol Morris
Produced By
Jon Kamen, Jack Lechner, Robert May, Errol Morris, Frank Scherma, John Sloss, Michael Williams, Julie Ahlberg, Robert Fernandez
Jon Kamen, Jack Lechner, Robert May, Frank Scherma, John Sloss, Michael Williams, Philip Glass, Robert Chappell, Peter Donahue, Doug Abel, Chyld King, Karen Schmeer, Julie Ahlberg, Ted Bafaloukos, Steve Hardy