Next of Kin
Next of Kin
Play Now
Release Date: 4/30/1982
Jacki KerinJohn JarrattAlex ScottGerda NicolsonTommy DysartDebra LawranceJohn Bishop
Directed By
Tony WilliamsGus MercurioKlaus Schulze
Directed By
Tony Williams, Tony Williams, Paul Healey, John Powditch, Anne McLeod
Produced By
Wendy Miller, Trish Foley, Timothy White, Marcus Skipper, Robert Le Tet, Michael Lake
Michael Heath, Ray Pattison, Gary Wilkins, Suzy Wood, Wendy Miller, Mark J. Wasiutak, David Hardie, Arch Roberts, Harvey Mawson, Alan Maxwell, Gus Mercurio, Paul Ammitzboll, John Jastukowicz, Tony McDonald, John Phillips, Matt Burns, Phil Cross, Trish Foley, Philip Hearnshaw, Frank Lipson, Garry Plunkett, Ian Hobson, Toby Phillips, Helen Wright, Toby Phillips, Mick Morris, Gail Mayes, Noel McDonald, Max Lemon, Chris Murray, Alan Clossop, Louise Johnson, Harvey Mawson, Jenny Arnott, Megan Hall, Wayne Marshall, Ross A. Chambers, Ken Hazelwood, Phil Stirling, Julian Ellingworth, Timothy White, Richard Francis, Elizabeth Ann Fardon, Robert Le Tet, Gary Hansen, Suzie Clements, Michael Lake, Klaus Schulze, Nick Hepworth