K-9 and Company: A Girl's Best Friend
K-9 and Company: A Girl's Best Friend
Play Now
Elisabeth SladenJohn LeesonBill FraserIan SearsColin JeavonsSean ChapmanLinda PolanJohn QuarmbyNigel Gregory
Directed By
John Nathan-TurnerPeter HowellPhil Wilson
Directed By
John Black, Terence Dudley
Produced By
John Nathan-Turner, Yvonne Collins, Robert Gabriel
John Nathan-Turner, Peter Howell, Ann Arnold, Nigel Jones, Michael Williams, Michael Lomas, Dave Brinicombe, Bob Cosford, Susie Bancroft, Yvonne Collins, Robert Gabriel, Eric Saward, Antony Root, Phil Wilson, Dick Mills, Barry Hill, David Hughes, Nick Moore, John Burkill, Mat Irvine