How to Marry a Millionaire
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How to Marry a Millionaire
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Directed By
Jean Negulesco, F.E. 'Johnny' Johnston, Paul Helmick
Produced By
Nunnally Johnson, Walter Whaley
Louis R. Loeffler, Nunnally Johnson, Joseph MacDonald, Alfred Newman, Nunnally Johnson, Billy Daniel, Del Harris, Kenneth Honnold, Bill Riddle, George Lane, Dick Hamilton, Lyman Hallowell, Walter Whaley, Allan Snyder, Charles Kohl, Kay Reed, Marie Brasselle, Lyle R. Wheeler, Stuart A. Reiss, Alfred Bruzlin, Charles LeMaire, Alfred Newman, Cyril J. Mockridge, Ray Kellogg, Roger Heman Sr., Walter M. Scott, Ben Nye, Travilla, Leland Fuller, Leonard Doss, Forrest E. Johnston, Edward B. Powell, Katherine Albert, Dale Eunson, Zoe Akins