Ghosts... of the Civil Dead
Ghosts... of the Civil Dead
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Release Date: 8/1/1988
David FieldMike BishopNick CaveBogdan KocaVincent Gil
Directed By
John HillcoatNick CaveHugo RaceBlixa BargeldPaul GoldmanMick Harvey
Directed By
John Hillcoat, John Hillcoat, Paul Goldman
Produced By
John Lawrance, Polly Borland, Andrea Stone, Steve Hardman, Mike Hopkins, Denise Patience, Evan English
Nick Cave, Gene Conkie, Hugo Race, Evan English, Steve Macdonald, Sonia Leber, Polly Borland, Polly Borland, Peter Milne, Jennifer Mitchell, Andrea Stone, Steve Hardman, Chris Kennedy, Nick Cave, Dean Gawen, Blixa Bargeld, Rex Watts, Stewart Young, Karen Everett, Vivienne MacGillicuddy, Roger Savage, Mick Harvey, Graeme Wood, Peter Clancy, Stephen Vaughan, Mike Hopkins, Bronwyn Murphy, George Huxley, Denise Patience, Evan English, Sue Lamshed