The Devil's Own
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The Devil's Own
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Viên cảnh sát New York Tom O'Meara và gia đình đưa một thiếu niên Ireland vào nhà mà không biết rằng cậu đang chạy trốn – và đang thực hiện âm mưu trả thù cho bố mình.
Release Date: 3/13/1997
Directed By
Alan J. Pakula, John Rusk, Robin Squibb, David R. Ellis
Produced By
Robert F. Colesberry, Lawrence Gordon, Donald Laventhall, Lloyd Levin, Alixe Gordin, Karen L. Thorson
Robert F. Colesberry, Lawrence Gordon, Donald Laventhall, Lloyd Levin, James Horner, Gordon Willis, Tom Rolf, Dennis Virkler, Alixe Gordin, Jane Musky, Robert Guerra, Leslie Bloom, Bernie Pollack, Dan Bradley, Richard L. Blackwell, Eddie Matthews, John Alden, Daniel W. Barringer, Keith Campbell, Martin White, Scott Wilder, Bob Marrocco, Roy Farfel, Stuart Clark, Jim Wilkey, Tim Gallin, Mick O'Rourke, Dominick Hewitt, Brian Smyj, Michael R. Long, Philippe Zone, Donal O'Farrell, Karen L. Thorson, Bernie Pollack, Rosie Blackmore, Anne Dunne, Jean Ann Black, Jean Ann Black, Ken Jennings, Martina McCarthy, Michael Laudati, Peggy Schierholz, Aaron F. Quarles, Peter Kohn, Ron Bochar, Lee Dichter, Edward Wiesenhaan, Harry Wiesenhaan, Terry Mulligan, Louis Conroy, Michael Proscia Jr., Ken Regan, Gary Capo, David Aaron Cohen, Vincent Patrick, Kevin Jarre, Eliza Coleman, Doug Coleman, Kevin Jarre